Siliconned: How the tech industry solves fake problems, hoards idle workers, and makes doomed bets with other people's money

A start-up wastes a billion dollars making videos nobody wants to watch. A city rushes to build landing pads for flightless air taxi prototypes. Tech giants hire thousands of techies for fake projects to stop them working for rivals.

The tech industry has a tendency to go crazy. In Siliconned, industry insider Emmanuel Maggiori decodes tech’s hysteria and explains why we all pay the price for it. 

You’ll discover:

  • How tech investment became a blind hunt for pipe dreams, unicorns, and explosive growth;
  • How shady incentives reward tech investors for burning cash;
  • How governments and central banks pour fuel on the fire;
  • How tech companies squander talent, and how well-intentioned fads like Agile and Lean help cover it up.
From low interest rates to gigantic bubbles, Siliconned turns the tech industry upside down and suggests how to fix it.