
I'm Emmanuel

I'm a London-based computer scientist and author. I wrote the book Smart Until It's Dumb: Why artificial intelligence keeps making epic mistakes (and why the AI bubble will burst).

My story

My background is in computer science. I studied software engineering in Argentina and then did a PhD at Inria, the French national IT research lab. Afterward, I worked as a data scientist in the travel sector (and wrote algorithms you've most likely used yourself a few times). Since then, I've been working independently as a software engineer and data scientist. I wrote a book and blog articles exposing an unflatteting side of the tech industry. 

Smart Until It's Dumb Book Cover


Smart Until It's Dumb

Smart Until It’s Dumb cuts through the hype, revealing the deceptively simple mechanisms behind AI’s impressive results—and its spectacular blunders.


Freelance software engineering

As a freelance software engineer, I've helped start-ups launch greenfield products in record time. I've also helped large companies build sophisticated software generating tens of millions in revenue.

Optimization, data science and machine learning consulting

I help companies find optimal solutions to problems by using data science, machine learning and mathematical optimization. 

Training and mentoring

I run an online academy where I help students advance their tech careers. My flagship course, Machine Learning for Aspiring Data Scientists, has had nearly 1,000 students on Udemy. Check it out!